Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Another Break-up

 I'm a bit ambivalent about today's post, but I've decided to go with it.

Yes, I want to focus on health and enjoying life, but I'd be dishonest if I said I didn't hope to lose weight, too. I also know that people reading who are considering abandoning diets will be interested to know if it's possible to lose weight without dieting.

So, today I weighed myself. I don't intend to do this every day. Daily weighing and then fretting over the number it shows is something I am hoping to break free from. I've tried to just weigh myself and not let the number affect me, but I've yet to achieve that. I'd like to reach the point where I can stop weighing all together, but I've decided I'm not ready to stop weighing all together. I've settled on a compromise - weighing twice a month, starting today.

It should be simple, right?

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