Thursday, July 12, 2012

Savoring Summer

I think I've coped pretty well during the last hectic six weeks or so. However, I'm now in a period of relative quiet. Other than a few sports events for various members of the family each week, I have very little scheduled. For me it's a good time to really focus on some areas of my life that need attention.

I'm catching up on rest and relaxation; doing things I enjoy like reading, gardening and cooking; getting some sunshine and spending time making 'moments' with my family; and of course, listening to my body.

In the area of food/eating, I am taking advantage of the relative quiet to really listen to my body. To try out a variety of foods, in various amounts and different times and circumstances and paying attention to the results to find out what works best for me.

Listening to my body is about more than food, though. For instance, I am working to organize my home better - de-cluttering, reorganizing and making meals for the freezer, so that life goes more smoothly - and I'll be less stressed-  the next time things get hectic.

But above and through it all, it's summer where I live, and it will be over before we know it. I don't want to let it get by without making the most of it - getting out for bike rides, hikes and days at the pool, breakfasts on the patio in the cool morning air, BBQs with friends, camping, fishing and trips to new places.

I guess I'd better get started.

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