Friday, November 16, 2012


Do you ever get tired of people making assumptions about you? I know I do. People take one look at me and decide what kind of life they think I lead.

Obviously I 'don't exercise'. Right? a) No one who exercises stays overweight and b) everyone who is thin, exercises. Only problem is, that's wrong. I know plenty of people who take up running thinking they'll lose weight, but they don't. They're always training for a Tough Mudder or a half marathon, or some other event. They do quite well, but they never get thin. I also know plenty of very thin people who hardly move off their behinds.

I fall somewhere in between the Tough Mudder and the couch potato. I am on my feet most of my work day and run up and down the stairs several times a day. I lift weights a couple of times a week, take long walks on mountain trails, and shorter walks close to home. I also like gardening -  and all the digging, raking, hoeing, clipping and sawing that comes with it. For fun I like to skate, swim and play tennis. 

Yeah. I really should start 'exercising'.

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